This week we had an event that happens every year called hooked on books and we have read 5 books including Liars, Goldfish boy, Storybound , you will laugh your head off And Cool nukes that we are currently reading at the moment which its pretty cool but Liars has definitlly been my Favourite book and I really want to finish the book off.
I kind of enjoyed discovering new books like that liars book and I also did enjoy reading some of goldfish boy like discovering the price of a day off school that sixty dollars in the uk which is so expensive for something like missing a day of school like you need to be able to get a holiday.
And Liars jarli and his father get smashed into by an old man with black glasses and starts to chase jarli knowing you really dont no what that old man want like either Jarli or his father and also leading jarli into getting shot in the head.
As well as storybound as this girl una is just casually reading a book then gets written into it and cannot get out of it and meats The characters to the book Lady snow , The brave knight peter and the fearsom Dragon.
I really enjoyed Hooked on books Espcally Liars.